
 These little guys are "thumbnails" -- itty-bitty versions of the
real photos we have on display here. Just click on the thumbnail you'd like to see,
and the large-size photo will magically appear.

November 2005
National Anthem at SBC Park, July 8, 2004

Kimo's, January 25, 2003:
Julie Riffle sings "Suffragette City"
"Festival of the Babes" party,
CW Saloon, September 1, 2002, left to right:
* The largest-ever and most raucous Three Hour Tour audience
* Diana plays keyboards and sings at the same time
* Diana again, gazing lovingly at the camera
* Dina captivates an adoring crowd
Left to right:
* Julie Riffle sweating
* Ronnie Johnson on the floor, as usual
* Ronnie leads an unruly pack in some kind of rebellion
* "Rock Lobster": Terry Alvey and Diana Daniel playing
"Little Black Dress" gig,
Kimo's, April 6, 2002, left to right:
* The band backstage (Paula wasn't wearing a dress, so she's not
* Backstage again, minus the surly poses
* Paula Bocciardi and Ronnie onstage
* Julie onstage, in her Mom's 1955 dress!
Left to right:
* Ms. Diana Daniel
* Backstage, putting on the dresses
* Terry Alvey
* Julie chokes on the 1955 dress!
Left to right:
* Julie models the infamous dress
* Fan Pamela Parker tries out the keyboards and looks rockin'
* Diana and Ronnie onstage
* Diana gags, Dina looks coy. Huh??
Rainbow Room, March 2, 2001, left to
* Diana gets funky on the pool table
* Audience request for song, written on napkin
* Audience request for Diana(!), written on napkin

10th anniversary show at Jelly's,
November 2001, clockwise:
* An arty shot of the band onstage
* The audience, including KTVU's Tom Vacar (our most rabid fan)
* Terry Alvey and Diana Daniel
* The "Johnny B. Goode" jam
* Lauren Weiner, K. F., Janine Bocciardi, and Terry Alvey

Clockwise :
* Nina Houts, surprise "Do Re Mi" soloist, 11/01
* Pamela Parker presenting the turkey, 11/01
* Turkey raffle winner Dana, 11/01
* Former band member Janine Bocciardi, on "Kansas City," 11/01
* Former band member Toby Bielawski doin' a Chuck Berry on "Johnny B.
Goode," 11/01
The instrument exchange on "Betty
Lou," left to right:
* Yes, unbelievably, that's Paula Bocciardi on guitar, with Ronnie
Johnson on vocals, 11/01
* Diana Daniel as Jimi Hendrix, 11/01
* Smilin' frettists Diana Daniel and Julie Riffle, 11/01
* Dina Munsch wants you all to know that she is playing drums, dammit!,

* Diana Daniel and Dina Munsch, 11/01
* Julie Riffle, Diana Daniel, and Paula Bocciardi on "Free Bird," 11/01
* Dina Munsch and Ronnie Johnson, 11/01
* Angelic trio Julie Riffle, Terry Alvey, and Diana Daniel, 11/01
* Paula Bocciardi on drums, 11/01
Paula meets John Densmore, drummer for the Doors, 8/30/01

At the Diane Alexis Whipple benefit gig,
April 2001, clockwise:
* Terry and Diana, with Diana looking eerily like our old bass
player, Chrissy Barlow
* All psyched up for the "American Trilogy"
("American Woman/Girl/Band")
* Dina doin' a Chuck Berry -- artsy photo, isn't it?
* Diana points menacingly at a fan who isn't listening
* "Rock Lobster": Ronnie's hair runs amok

* Guest keyboardist Pam Hofsass, 4/01
* Julie ("I Refuse to Move a Muscle") Riffle, 4/01
* Paula Bocciardi, just before trashing her drumset, 4/01
* "Rock Lobster," 4/01
* Ronnie Johnson gazes lovingly at her bass, 4/01
Left to right:
* Stage, Kimo's, Valentine's gig 2001
* Band, 2/01
* Ladies in red: Gwen (our great doorperson), Dina (eating pasta), Ronnie
* Paula 2/01
Left to right:
* Diana fondling an audience member, 2/01
* "Wipeout," 2/01
* Julie and Dina's finely-tuned finger-snapping choreography,
"Fever," 2/01
* Marina joins the band on trumpet, 2/01

* Diana at Kimo's, Halloween 2000
* Costumed audience, Halloween 2000
* Ronnie lookin' sophisticated, Halloween 2000
* Diana tells Paula to stop playing so loud, Halloween 2000
* Maria Munsch (Dina's mother) and her cousin Laura exclaiming over a photo
of the band

* Outside Kimo's, 7/00
* Diana takes a spill? What's going on?? Kimo's, 7/00
* The only way we could learn "Free Bird": use a whiteboard
* Kimo's audience, 7/00
* Under the marquee, Kimo's, 7/00
Left to right:
* Diana and Dina making twin "nuschler" faces, Kimo's, 7/00
(apologies to Will Clark)
* Streetcorner outside Kimo's, 7/00
* Diana mysteriously grows body hair, Kimo's, 7/00
* Onstage, Kimo's, 7/00

* Check out our prima donna new singer (typical!), 4/00
* Three Hour Tour attempting to look mean, 4/00
* Dina probably said something funny, 4/00
* Julie playing "Wipeout," CoCo Club, 8/97
* Dawn Wells ("Mary Anne" from "Gilligan's Island") sent us this
signed photo, 7/98
Left to right:
* Kelly Tipton (who never dances) dancing, Kimo's, 10/25/98
* Faithful fans Jill Sweringen and Barb Schoeffel, going nuts, Kimo's, 10/25/98
* Julie Scearce and Janine Bocciardi, CoCo Club, 8/97
* Old friends Julie Scearce, Jill Sweringen, Paula, Diane Bradley, Diane Marino, Karen